Posted by Katie Patterson | Meet Our Team!
Reading Time: 3 minutes Heidi took some time to share a little bit about herself and what her position at Ever Accountable looks like. Heidi is a reader, a runner, and a really great mother to four awesome kids (among lots of other things). I really like her explanation of what she does around here: "I like to joke that I do all the boring, tedious, office-type crap that no one else wants to deal with." Nice! Glad someone does it πŸ˜‰

Good afternoon Heidi!


Thanks for taking the time to talk to me about your position at Ever Accountable. For starters, what is your view from the computer you use while working?

Trees. So many trees.

And tell us a little about where you live and what you like to do.

I live in Bellingham, Washington with my husband and our four kids. It rains WAY more than I'm okay with, but I'm learning how to motivate myself even when it's dark and dreary. πŸ™‚ I spend my free time working in my yard, reading, goofing around with my kids, running or doing yoga with my awesome sister who lives across the street, and manically cleaning up the endless stream of pine needles that invades my house.

What is your position in this company?

Executive Assistant / Human Resources Manager.

How were you introduced to Ever Accountable?

My big brother (and lifelong hero) Tyler asked me to apply when the company was struggling with organization issues. I was always the tidy, organized sister, so I guess I was a natural fit!

What kind of work do you do for this company?

I like to joke that I do all the boring, tedious, office-type crap that no one else wants to deal with. That's partially true (I do a lot of paperwork, scheduling, legal research, account reconciliation, documentation writing/auditing, etc.), but I actually enjoy it. I'm a fairly meticulous person who likes checklists, making numbers add up correctly, and ticking boxes. I guess I'm kind of a square. πŸ™‚

And what does a typical work day look like for you?

I don't start working until I have a cup of coffee in front of me. I'm not a morning person, but I try to get started early so I can get as much done as possible while my kids are at school. Every once in a while I'll take a break to go sit in the sun (if it happens to miraculously break through the clouds), clean something, eat some nachos (my favorite food), or go on a run.

Okay, the relationship between a person's work and their emotional connection to it is really interesting to me. Can you briefly speak to that?

Accountability is something I believe in very strongly. It's the single biggest value I've tried to instill in my kids. I think it's the difference between failure and success. As for pornography, I used to believe it was no big deal. I saw it as something fairly harmless, if distasteful, that wasn't my business if anyone was choosing to consume. After some personal relationships were damaged because of it, though, that view started to change. It became clear to me that it has far-reaching effects, that it causes suffering, no matter the intention behind it. I'm very proud to be a part of this company, where the mission is to help people change their lives for the better. That isn't just a gimmick or nice-sounding sentiment--it guides and influences everything we do, every day. That, to me, is super cool.

Ever Accountable's mission includes helping people live their lives to their full potential. What does your life look like when you are living to your full potential?

Good question. I'm still trying to figure that out. πŸ˜‰ I know for sure that I'm the happiest when I am completely present with my family.

Any stories you are willing to share about how pornography or accountability have changed your life or the life of someone you know?

I'll just say that every major relationship I've been in has been damaged by pornography, to some degree.

What are some of your goals for the future?

I want to get my private pilot license, take my family on a cruise, get out of debt, run a marathon, and send my kids to college.

What is your favorite thing about your job?

Getting to work with Tyler. He's, like, the best person I know.

Thank you for chatting with me today! One last thing...

  1. Favorite book: Man, tough question! Jane Eyre. No, Watership Down. Perdido Street Station. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Wuthering Heights.
  2. Favorite food: Nachos
  3. Favorite band/musician/musical group: Right now? How to Destroy Angels
  4. Best part of the day: Coffee
  5. If you had a superpower it would be: Reading minds, so I could tell when my kids are lying to me
  6. Favorite movie: Pride and Prejudice
  7. The most fun thing you did recently: Arm wrestling with my gigantic 14-year-old son
  8. Poetry or prose? Prose.
  9. Sunshine or shade? Sunshine
  10. Early bird or night owl? Night owl
  11. Introvert or extrovert? Introvert